Sunday Times Magazine January 26th 2003
Eye Opener; Close Encounters; The Facts of Life; Next Big Thing
Relative Values – Donatella Flick, patron of the arts, and her younger brother Prince Oleg Missikoff, showjumping star
Best of Times, Worst of Times – Sir Steve Redgrave, the gold-medal-winning oarsman, remembers the shock of discovering he has diabetes
Man in a suitcase – He’s the latest movie star – a squatter who has lived in a French airport for more than 14 years
Cover story – Warlord of the Jihad Are Hamas cold-blooded murderers, or freedom fighters? We ask their leader
Frill seekers – We gate-crash a debutantes’ ball in Paris
Paintjob – How the Tate profited from a great art heist
Witness to the executions – The story of the only westerner to survive imprisonment
A Life in the Day – Kazimierz Smolen, the leading authority on Nazi concentration camps.
Includes Amazing Places week 2
70 pages. All our magazines are first day issues. This issue new and unread.