Sunday Times Culture Magazine April 20th 2003


Sunday Times Culture Magazine April 20th 2003

Cover story – Modern artists love Jesus, but not necessarily in a good way, argues Waldemar Januszczak

Interview – Is Paul Bettany the most exciting British actor of his generation? Hollywood seems to think so

Television – The West Wing is about to get even better, with the arrival of fast-talking Mary-Louise Parker

Architecture – Cameron Mackintosh has a plan for the West End, and it’s not just sprucing up his ageing theatres

Pop – Nice videos, shame about the channels. Robert Sandall says music TV needs to crank up the amps

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Sunday Times Culture Magazine April 20th 2003

Cover story – Modern artists love Jesus, but not necessarily in a good way, argues Waldemar Januszczak

Interview – Is Paul Bettany the most exciting British actor of his generation? Hollywood seems to think so

Television – The West Wing is about to get even better, with the arrival of fast-talking Mary-Louise Parker

Architecture – Cameron Mackintosh has a plan for the West End, and it’s not just sprucing up his ageing theatres

Pop – Nice videos, shame about the channels. Robert Sandall says music TV needs to crank up the amps

88 pages. All our magazines are first day issues. This issue is new and unread

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Weight 200 g

New and unread condition