Sunday Times Culture Magazine April 8th 2001


Sunday Times Culture Magazine April 8th 2001

Cover story – Pole position: how Bridget Jones could take three film-makers past the billion-dollar mark

Interview – Jim Broadbent is one of Britain’s most talented and unassuming big-screen stars, finds Lesley White

Art – Beck’s Futures, back for a second year, has lost all of its fizz, says Waldemar Januszczak

Pop – Fab film: how A Hard Day’s Night became the father of the modern pop video

Architecture – Sheffield and Rotherham haven’t featured highly on Britain’s cultural map. Until now

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Sunday Times Culture Magazine April 8th 2001

Cover story – Pole position: how Bridget Jones could take three film-makers past the billion-dollar mark

Interview – Jim Broadbent is one of Britain’s most talented and unassuming big-screen stars, finds Lesley White

Art – Beck’s Futures, back for a second year, has lost all of its fizz, says Waldemar Januszczak

Pop – Fab film: how A Hard Day’s Night became the father of the modern pop video

Architecture – Sheffield and Rotherham haven’t featured highly on Britain’s cultural map. Until now

80 pages. All our magazines are first day issues. This issue is new and unread

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Weight 200 g

New and unread condition