Sunday Times Culture Magazine February 24th 2008


Sunday Times Culture Magazine February 24th 2008

Cover story – ‘Why not enjoy being a Welshman in remission?’ a bemused AA Gill asks Rob Brydon, who’s trying to joke his way through an identity crisis

Interview – Why, to do humour, Uma Thurman turned producer

Film – No woman has won an Oscar for best director – yet. Christopher Goodwin on the female film-makers hitting the celluloid ceiling

Art – The Tate’s uniting of Man Ray, Duchamp and Picabia works, says Waldemar Januszczak

Music – Feature – Andrew Smith considers why musicians like the Manics, Neil Young and Morrissey get a second chance to be cool

Interview – Ida Maria, who sees songs as colours, is barking but brilliant, says Dan Cairns


Sunday Times Culture Magazine February 24th 2008

Cover story – ‘Why not enjoy being a Welshman in remission?’ a bemused AA Gill asks Rob Brydon, who’s trying to joke his way through an identity crisis

Interview – Why, to do humour, Uma Thurman turned producer

Film – No woman has won an Oscar for best director – yet. Christopher Goodwin on the female film-makers hitting the celluloid ceiling

Art – The Tate’s uniting of Man Ray, Duchamp and Picabia works, says Waldemar Januszczak

Music – Feature – Andrew Smith considers why musicians like the Manics, Neil Young and Morrissey get a second chance to be cool

Interview – Ida Maria, who sees songs as colours, is barking but brilliant, says Dan Cairns

80 pages. All our magazines are first day issues. This issue is new and unread

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Weight 250 g

New and unread condition