Sunday Times Culture Magazine February 2nd 2003


Sunday Times Culture Magazine February 2nd 2003

Cover story – On screen, he’s kissing Sandra Bullock; off it, Hugh Grant is getting restless for a meatier career

Comment – Television was once the people’s friend. But it has become the enemy within, argues AA Gill

Art – You’ve bin framed: what’s Osama doing with a belly dancer? Waldemar Januszczak on a gutsy satirist

Film – Spielberg, DiCaprio and Hanks relocate their funny bones in Catch Me if You Can

Interview – Some of the greatest film-makers think he’s one of mem. Still, Paul Thomas Anderson’s one weird dude

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Sunday Times Culture Magazine February 2nd 2003

Cover story – On screen, he’s kissing Sandra Bullock; off it, Hugh Grant is getting restless for a meatier career

Comment – Television was once the people’s friend. But it has become the enemy within, argues AA Gill

Art – You’ve bin framed: what’s Osama doing with a belly dancer? Waldemar Januszczak on a gutsy satirist

Film – Spielberg, DiCaprio and Hanks relocate their funny bones in Catch Me if You Can

Interview – Some of the greatest film-makers think he’s one of mem. Still, Paul Thomas Anderson’s one weird dude

88 pages. All our magazines are first day issues. This issue is new and unread


Additional information

Weight 200 g

New and unread condition