Sunday Times Culture Magazine June 1st 2003


Sunday Times Culture Magazine June 1st 2003

Cover story – Forget the split-up rumours – Stereophonics have been rediscovering their roots in a Welsh garage

Report -Cleaning up a Rembrandt self-portrait has muddied his old image, says a delighted Bryan Appleyard

Architecture – Things are looking up at the Royal Academy, with Norman Foster’s summer skyscraper show

Interview – He sews, bakes, makes great gravy. Oh, and the odd movie. Jeff Dawson on Meeting John Malkovich

Art – Waldemar Januszczak finds the best of Barbara Hepworth’s sculpture is small and perfectly formed

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Sunday Times Culture Magazine June 1st 2003

Cover story – Forget the split-up rumours – Stereophonics have been rediscovering their roots in a Welsh garage – Includes free CD

Report -Cleaning up a Rembrandt self-portrait has muddied his old image, says a delighted Bryan Appleyard

Architecture – Things are looking up at the Royal Academy, with Norman Foster’s summer skyscraper show

Interview – He sews, bakes, makes great gravy. Oh, and the odd movie. Jeff Dawson on Meeting John Malkovich

Art – Waldemar Januszczak finds the best of Barbara Hepworth’s sculpture is small and perfectly formed

88 pages. All our magazines are first day issues. This issue is new and unread

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Weight 200 g

New and unread condition