Sunday Times Culture Magazine November 14th 2004


Sunday Times Culture Magazine November 14th 2004

Cover story  – These days, it’s Warren Beatty minding the children and Annette Bening going for glory

Television  – Alien abduction series all look alike now. But that’s the point, says Bryan Appleyard

Comedy  – Ricky Gervais on why he doesn’t sit at home wishing he was back on the telly

Pop –  How Jem, a former DJ, put a spin on her singing career and won over LA. Can she do it here?

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Sunday Times Culture Magazine November 14th 2004

Cover story  – These days, it’s Warren Beatty minding the children and Annette Bening going for glory

Television  – Alien abduction series all look alike now. But that’s the point, says Bryan Appleyard

Comedy  – Ricky Gervais on why he doesn’t sit at home wishing he was back on the telly

Pop –  How Jem, a former DJ, put a spin on her singing career and won over LA. Can she do it here?

88 pages. All our magazines are first day issues. This issue is new and unread

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Weight 200 g

New and unread condition