Sunday Times Magazine August 28th 2005
EYE OPENER – Born on the Same Day, Secret Britain, From the Boffins, and Next Big Thing
INFORMER – Including Flashback and Big Spender
RELATIVE VALUES – Cathy de Monchaux and her younger sister, Elizabeth de Monchaux, sculptors
BEST OF TIMES, WORST OF TIMES – The tears and triumph of Paul Gascoigne
A LIFE IN THE DAY – A US granny campaigning to go to Iraq
COVER STORY – RURAL BLIGHT – Felling trees, Ming in ponds bulldozing hedges how John Prescott and political correctness are wrecking the countryside
MAN OF THE MOMENT – He was the first official war photographer. And Roger Fenton’s pioneering pictures. reveal how the Victorians saw the world
SINGING FOR AFRICA’S SUPPER – We accompanied the voice of West Africa, Youssou N’Dour, as he joined Dido in a musical effort to make poverty history
BEASTS OF PREY – Rape Mutilation. Murder Why have the women of Guatemala become the victims of unimaginable torture?
60 pages. All our magazines are first day issues. This issue new and unread.
A great idea for a unique present for a 20th Birthday or Anniversary!