Sunday Times Magazine December 14th 2008
DID YOU KNOW? – Nuggets of little-known Information featuring the man who gave the Spice Girl’s their nicknames and the real-life Inspiration behind Psycho’s Norman Bates
RELATIVE VALUES – Andrew Johnston, 14 year-old choirboy star of the ITV show Britain’s Got Talent, and the powerful woman behind him his mother: Morag Brannock
A LIFE IN THE DAY – Sylvia VanAtta, dedicated saviour of endangered dogs
A 12 page feature devoted to the very best photojournalism in the world the finest images and cutting-edge photo reportage
FROZEN ASSETS – How will Icelanders survive now that their once-prosperous nation has gone bust? AA Gill explores the icy wastes in the wake of the Walrus Street Crash
LOUCHE LIFE – We meet the lively London characters who frequent the French House – last refuge of bohemian Soho
THE LIVING DEAD – Many people who clinically die then come back to life, report out-of-body experiences. Now scientists are testing their extraordinary aims
SERKIS PERFORMER – He has played King Kong, Gollum, lan Brady and one of Dickens’s nastiest creations. What makes Andy Serkis such a frightfully good actor?
SECT AND VIOLENCE – Fifteen years on British people who were caught up in the siege of Waco Texas, give their testaments
62 pages. All our magazines are first day issues. This issue has had some water damage. It has completely dried out but is a bit crinkly unfortunately. Priced accordingly