Sunday Times Magazine December 8th 2019


Sunday Times Magazine December 8th 2019

IF LOOKS COULD KILL – The photographer Perou swaps catwalk models for big cats at a sanctuary in Kent

RELATIVE VALUES – The Jerusalem playwright Fez Butterworth and his brother Tom on their chaotic childhood

TOUGH LOVE, FAMILY – Emma Barnett advises a man caring for his abusive father. Lorraine Candy on the “go small” approach that’s brought harmony to her household

REASONS TO BE CHEERFUL – How the stars of a 1980s romcom found true love with each other decades later. Yasmin-Alibhai-Brown reports

THE DISH – Romy Gills vegetarian Indian comfort food.

THE INTERVIEW: LUCIANA BERGER The Lib Dem who quit Labour over anti-semitism on this week’s election battle. By Caroline Scott

INDIA KNIGHT – Christmas cards are a joyous remnant of civility in an increasingly uncivil world

ADAM KAY’S FESTIVE DIARIES – The bestselling author on his Christmas NHS night shifts

THE RAIN IT RAINETH… David Collins reports on the flooding nightmare and asks how our infrastructure will cope

DRIVING – A brief encounter with a Volkswagen T-Cross on his drive leaves a big impression on Jeremy Clarkson

COVER: RICHARD E GRANT – The actor tells Chrissy Iley about his surprise late-career bloom and role in Star Wars

A LIFE IN THE DAY – The folk singer and farmer Vincent Carr on raising 3,000 turkeys for Christmas

JOSH GLANCY – Ten lessons learnt from the decade that gave us Brexit, social media and President Trump


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Sunday Times Magazine December 8th 2019

IF LOOKS COULD KILL – The photographer Perou swaps catwalk models for big cats at a sanctuary in Kent

RELATIVE VALUES – The Jerusalem playwright Fez Butterworth and his brother Tom on their chaotic childhood

TOUGH LOVE, FAMILY – Emma Barnett advises a man caring for his abusive father. Lorraine Candy on the “go small” approach that’s brought harmony to her household

REASONS TO BE CHEERFUL – How the stars of a 1980s romcom found true love with each other decades later. Yasmin-Alibhai-Brown reports

THE DISH – Romy Gills vegetarian Indian comfort food.

THE INTERVIEW: LUCIANA BERGER The Lib Dem who quit Labour over anti-semitism on this week’s election battle. By Caroline Scott

INDIA KNIGHT – Christmas cards are a joyous remnant of civility in an increasingly uncivil world

ADAM KAY’S FESTIVE DIARIES – The bestselling author on his Christmas NHS night shifts

THE RAIN IT RAINETH… David Collins reports on the flooding nightmare and asks how our infrastructure will cope

DRIVING – A brief encounter with a Volkswagen T-Cross on his drive leaves a big impression on Jeremy Clarkson

COVER: RICHARD E GRANT – The actor tells Chrissy Iley about his surprise late-career bloom and role in Star Wars

A LIFE IN THE DAY – The folk singer and farmer Vincent Carr on raising 3,000 turkeys for Christmas

JOSH GLANCY – Ten lessons learnt from the decade that gave us Brexit, social media and President Trump

68 pages. All our magazines are first day issues. This issue is in very good condition for age.