Sunday Times Magazine February 20th 2005


Sunday Times Magazine February 20th 2005

EYE OPENER – Including Secret Britain and Listomania

INFORMER – Flashback, The Price of Everything, Bystander, Rootfinder, and Endpiece

RELATIVE VALUES – Beverley Turner, sports broadcaster, and her brother, Adrian, Olympic swimmer

BEST OF TIMES, WORST OF TIMES – Why John O’Donohue gave up the life of a priest to become a poet and philosopher.

A LIFE IN THE DAY – Daniel Libeskind. Ground Zero architect

DADDY COOL – Why is Marc Quinn, pioneer of frozen art. immortalising the sick and the disabled?

COVER STORY –  THE PRESIDENTS – Extraordinary photographs reveal US presidents from Abe Lincoln to George HW Bush at work, at play and at war

WORLD IN AUCTION – It has made fortunes for ordinary people in the UK. But what are the risks of buying and selling your worldly goods on eBay?

DARLING OF THE DARING – He defeated the censors and put nudity on the British stage. Now, Kenneth Tynan is stripped bare in a powerful TV drama

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Sunday Times Magazine February 20th 2005

EYE OPENER – Including Secret Britain and Listomania

INFORMER – Flashback, The Price of Everything, Bystander, Rootfinder, and Endpiece

RELATIVE VALUES – Beverley Turner, sports broadcaster, and her brother, Adrian, Olympic swimmer

BEST OF TIMES, WORST OF TIMES – Why John O’Donohue gave up the life of a priest to become a poet and philosopher.

A LIFE IN THE DAY – Daniel Libeskind. Ground Zero architect

DADDY COOL – Why is Marc Quinn, pioneer of frozen art. immortalising the sick and the disabled?

COVER STORY –  THE PRESIDENTS – Extraordinary photographs reveal US presidents from Abe Lincoln to George HW Bush at work, at play and at war

WORLD IN AUCTION – It has made fortunes for ordinary people in the UK. But what are the risks of buying and selling your worldly goods on eBay?

DARLING OF THE DARING – He defeated the censors and put nudity on the British stage. Now, Kenneth Tynan is stripped bare in a powerful TV drama

72 pages. All our magazines are first day issues. This issue new and unread.


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