Sunday Times Magazine June 6th 2009


Sunday Times Magazine June 6th 2009

DID YOU KNOW? – The society stunner who paved the way for Lady Chatterley; the last man to walk on the moon; were there secret messages on the cover of Playboy magazine?

RELATIVE VALUES –  Andrew Knight, former editor of The Economist, and his daughter Afsaneh, novelist, on passion, perfectionism and control-freakery

OPEN MINDS  – TV comedy isn’t allowed to be in the worst possible taste any more. But does it have to be so bland, asks Natalie Haynes

ONE YEAR ON –  The Public, West Bromwich’s futuristic new arts centre, got off to a disastrous start last year. Now  the Arts Council is giving it one last chance

LIVING IN AN ETHEREAL WORLD – Ballsy. Outspoken. Mystical Airy-fairy. Tori Amos has always excelled at being complicated. Now she tells the strange story that shaped her life

FEAR AND HATRED IN LUTON – These are dangerous times in Luton as racial tensions spiral out of control. Muslim extremists, the police, white youths and members of the far right all give their versions of recent events

SHORT STORY – Falling in love with a dog changed somebody’s world. And even death couldn’t break their idyllic bond. A moving tale from Jeanette Winterson

A LIFE IN THE DAY – Werner Herzog visionary German film-maker, on eating maggots and why he is a magnet for “insane people”

A 12-page feature devoted to the world’s best photography, including: 360-degree images of the world’s most spectacular skyscapes; Guinea-Bissau’s cocaine traffickers in the wake of the assassination of the republic’s president; mixed-race marriages in

THE MAN THEY CALL MESSIAH – The leader of a cult in New Mexico lay naked with underage girls as part of a “healing” experience. His actions landed him in jail, but he still controls his disciples from his cell

COVER -LAPPING IT UP – He was the forgotten man of Formula One. Now he’s poised to become its new champion. Jenson Button brings us up to speed on his incredible comeback

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Sunday Times Magazine June 6th 2009

DID YOU KNOW? – The society stunner who paved the way for Lady Chatterley; the last man to walk on the moon; were there secret messages on the cover of Playboy magazine?

RELATIVE VALUES –  Andrew Knight, former editor of The Economist, and his daughter Afsaneh, novelist, on passion, perfectionism and control-freakery

OPEN MINDS  – TV comedy isn’t allowed to be in the worst possible taste any more. But does it have to be so bland, asks Natalie Haynes

ONE YEAR ON –  The Public, West Bromwich’s futuristic new arts centre, got off to a disastrous start last year. Now  the Arts Council is giving it one last chance

LIVING IN AN ETHEREAL WORLD – Ballsy. Outspoken. Mystical Airy-fairy. Tori Amos has always excelled at being complicated. Now she tells the strange story that shaped her life

FEAR AND HATRED IN LUTON – These are dangerous times in Luton as racial tensions spiral out of control. Muslim extremists, the police, white youths and members of the far right all give their versions of recent events

SHORT STORY – Falling in love with a dog changed somebody’s world. And even death couldn’t break their idyllic bond. A moving tale from Jeanette Winterson

A LIFE IN THE DAY – Werner Herzog visionary German film-maker, on eating maggots and why he is a magnet for “insane people”

A 12-page feature devoted to the world’s best photography, including: 360-degree images of the world’s most spectacular skyscapes; Guinea-Bissau’s cocaine traffickers in the wake of the assassination of the republic’s president; mixed-race marriages in

THE MAN THEY CALL MESSIAH – The leader of a cult in New Mexico lay naked with underage girls as part of a “healing” experience. His actions landed him in jail, but he still controls his disciples from his cell

COVER -LAPPING IT UP – He was the forgotten man of Formula One. Now he’s poised to become its new champion. Jenson Button brings us up to speed on his incredible comeback

58 pages. All our magazines are first day issues. This issue is in very good condition for age

Additional information

Weight 200 g

Good condition