Sunday Times Magazine February 19th 2006


Sunday Times Magazine February 19th 2006

Pioneers of a promised Land – A young survivor of Buchenwald arrives in Palestine – The birth of the state of Israel, depicted in an extraordinary forgotten archive of photographs

Britain’s best-known living novelist with a prison record – Jeffrey Archer – is grilled by another Lord, Roy Hattersley

It was praised by celebrities and adopted by millions. What happened the Atkins diet?

Deemed barbaric, lobotomies have been banned in many countries. Why is a form of this surgery still performed in Britain?

Relative values – The stand up comic Janey Godley and her daughter Ashley

Mike Mansfield QC on Stephen Lawrence

A life in the day – Diana Rigg, British acting legend

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Sunday Times Magazine February 19th 2006

Pioneers of a promised Land – A young survivor of Buchenwald arrives in Palestine – The birth of the state of Israel, depicted in an extraordinary forgotten archive of photographs

Britain’s best-known living novelist with a prison record – Jeffrey Archer – is grilled by another Lord, Roy Hattersley

It was praised by celebrities and adopted by millions. What happened the Atkins diet?

Deemed barbaric, lobotomies have been banned in many countries. Why is a form of this surgery still performed in Britain?

Relative values – The stand up comic Janey Godley and her daughter Ashley

Mike Mansfield QC on Stephen Lawrence

A life in the day – Diana Rigg, British acting legend

All our magazines are the original first day copies. The photographs shown are the copy that is for sale

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