Vintage Sunday Times Magazine January 15th 1989 – Damaged cover


Vintage Sunday Times Magazine January 15th 1989



This Friday, Ronald Reagan will leave the White House arguably its most popular ever occupant. When he took on the job many people thought he was a joke. Eight years later, his goodwill and his charisma have enhanced his triumphs and carried him through more shady episodes. If it was a joke, it wasn’t on him. This special issue of The Sunday Times Magazine, edited by Les Daly, celebrates something of the man, and looks at some of the people who, for better or worse, shared the stage. On page 26:

It was hard to make the man look bad; Mark Rosenball on the men and women who helped Reagan be Reagan. On page 36:

Heroes and virgins, the bodies and minds that shone under Reagan’s reign. On page 46:

In Ron we trust, four names who did big but not necessarily good things under Reagan, beginning with Oliver North, the marine still regarded as a hero by the President, and on page 58:

Parting Shots a personal photographic farewell from the 40th President; candid shots of the man who mattered

Relative Values – The novelist Margaret Drabble and her son Joseph Swift


Vintage Sunday Times Magazine January  15th 1989



This Friday, Ronald Reagan will leave the White House arguably its most popular ever occupant. When he took on the job many people thought he was a joke. Eight years later, his goodwill and his charisma have enhanced his triumphs and carried him through more shady episodes. If it was a joke, it wasn’t on him. This special issue of The Sunday Times Magazine, edited by Les Daly, celebrates something of the man, and looks at some of the people who, for better or worse, shared the stage. On page 26:

It was hard to make the man look bad; Mark Rosenball on the men and women who helped Reagan be Reagan. On page 36:

Heroes and virgins, the bodies and minds that shone under Reagan’s reign. On page 46:

In Ron we trust, four names who did big but not necessarily good things under Reagan, beginning with Oliver North, the marine still regarded as a hero by the President, and on page 58:

Parting Shots a personal photographic farewell from the 40th President; candid shots of the man who mattered

Relative Values – The novelist Margaret Drabble and her son Joseph Swift

76 pages. All our magazines are first day issues. Lightly read and in good condition for age. Unfortunately this magazine has a round cut from the back cover through about 30 pages [see photographs] Priced accordingly