Vintage Sunday Times Magazine May 12th 1996


Vintage Sunday Times Magazine May 12th 1996

Zoë Heller passes her test, starts to blubber and burns some rubber

Relative Values –  The top war correspondent Maggie O’Kane, and her sister, Una, a Dublin nurse

Educating Archer  – Is Jeffrey the pupil, and Mary the teacher who brings him to book? Lesley White probes a relationship without equal

Cover story –  State of the heart –  Implants, not transplants, may soon be the solution to severe cardiac problems. Rose Shepherd monitors the owner of a new electric heart

Out to lunch  – What the Dickens is Hollywood scourge Julia Phillips writing about now? By Russell Miller

The secret that beat the Nazis  – Britain’s key weapon wasn’t the bouncing bomb but the world’s first computer. John Cornwell reports

A Life in the Day of Joy Tinkler, award-winning double-glazing seller

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Vintage Sunday Times Magazine May 12th 1996

Zoë Heller passes her test, starts to blubber and burns some rubber

Relative Values –  The top war correspondent Maggie O’Kane, and her sister, Una, a Dublin nurse

Educating Archer  – Is Jeffrey the pupil, and Mary the teacher who brings him to book? Lesley White probes a relationship without equal

Cover story –  State of the heart –  Implants, not transplants, may soon be the solution to severe cardiac problems. Rose Shepherd monitors the owner of a new electric heart

Out to lunch  – What the Dickens is Hollywood scourge Julia Phillips writing about now? By Russell Miller

The secret that beat the Nazis  – Britain’s key weapon wasn’t the bouncing bomb but the world’s first computer. John Cornwell reports

A Life in the Day of Joy Tinkler, award-winning double-glazing seller

52 pages. All our magazines are first day issues. This issue is generally in good condition throughout. However there are small rips on the staples and the cover is a little loose. Priced accordingly