Vintage Sunday Times Magazine June 2nd 1996


Vintage Sunday Times Magazine June 2nd 1996

Zoë Heller is a sad sack in search of a social life in LA

Relative Values  – Frances Edmonds, the writer, and her brother Kieran Moriarty, a consultant gastroenterologist

Back from the dead –  Is a persistent coma really a sign of brain death? John Cornwell on the waking nightmare

Take the plunge  – Deep necklines, big hair and mannequin looks are back

Badfellas  – Can Mickey Rourke pull off a sequel to the steamy 9 ½  Weeks ? Simon Sebag Montefiore drinks with the barfly Brando

Cover story 1966 – You thought this was the 90s; but it’s just the 60s upside down, says Bryan Appleyard

Foot note to history – Human feet hold intriguing new clues to the past. Walter Ellis meets the woman taking archeology’s untrodden path

A Life in the Day of ‘Dickie’ Bird, cricket umpire and former county player

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Vintage Sunday Times Magazine June 2nd 1996

Zoë Heller is a sad sack in search of a social life in LA

Relative Values  – Frances Edmonds, the writer, and her brother Kieran Moriarty, a consultant gastroenterologist

Back from the dead –  Is a persistent coma really a sign of brain death? John Cornwell on the waking nightmare

Take the plunge  – Deep necklines, big hair and mannequin looks are back

Badfellas  – Can Mickey Rourke pull off a sequel to the steamy 9 ½  Weeks ? Simon Sebag Montefiore drinks with the barfly Brando

Cover story 1966 – You thought this was the 90s; but it’s just the 60s upside down, says Bryan Appleyard

Foot note to history – Human feet hold intriguing new clues to the past. Walter Ellis meets the woman taking archeology’s untrodden path

A Life in the Day of ‘Dickie’ Bird, cricket umpire and former county player

60 pages. All our magazines are first day issues. This issue is in generally good condition throughout. However the cover is creased and a little loose. Priced accordingly