Vintage Sunday Times Magazines March 6th 1988


Vintage Sunday Times Magazines March 6th 1988

Cover story: On June 10, 1944, SS troops massacred 642 innocent French civilians at a small, remote village called Oradour. For 44 years it has remained an act of inexplic- able savagery. Why did the SS do it? Now we are able to present exclusively the story that led to the atrocity – the secret of Oradour page 20. Cover photograph by Barry Lewis

42 God’s gift to Mrs Smith Strange but true- the world’s greatest fashion editor Michael Roberts, who has a propensity for getting naked boys into pictures and for deflating the delicate egos of fashion designers, asks for nothing except fun and the approbation of ordinary folk

55 EXAMPLAN Getting physical Continuing our guide to the GCSE, we look at the subjects of biology, physics and chemistry-singly and in combination

Relative Values Joy, Teddie and Babs Beverley talk about each other and their long continuing career as the Beverley Sisters

Country Almanac Page 75 The month of March sees Brian Jackman exploring Sedgemoor in Somerset

A Life in the Day Anthony Owen, a 15-year- old magician who describes himself as ‘TV’s Teenage Trickster’, writes about his day


Vintage Sunday Times Magazines March 6th 1988

Cover story: On June 10, 1944, SS troops massacred 642 innocent French civilians at a small, remote village called Oradour. For 44 years it has remained an act of inexplic- able savagery. Why did the SS do it? Now we are able to present exclusively the story that led to the atrocity – the secret of Oradour page 20. Cover photograph by Barry Lewis

42 God’s gift to Mrs Smith Strange but true- the world’s greatest fashion editor Michael Roberts, who has a propensity for getting naked boys into pictures and for deflating the delicate egos of fashion designers, asks for nothing except fun and the approbation of ordinary folk

55 EXAMPLAN Getting physical Continuing our guide to the GCSE, we look at the subjects of biology, physics and chemistry-singly and in combination

Relative Values Joy, Teddie and Babs Beverley talk about each other and their long continuing career as the Beverley Sisters

Country Almanac Page 75 The month of March sees Brian Jackman exploring Sedgemoor in Somerset

A Life in the Day Anthony Owen, a 15-year- old magician who describes himself as ‘TV’s Teenage Trickster’, writes about his day

84 pages. All our magazines are first day issues. Lightly read and in good condition for age

Additional information

Weight 250 g

Good condition