Sunday Times Magazine July 26th 2020


Sunday Times Magazine July 26th 2020

RELATIVE VALUES – Musicians Ziggy and Damian Marley on their dad’s legacy

TOUGH LOVE, FAMILY – Emma Barnett and Lorraine Candy share what they have learnt as columnists over the past four years

MAN TROUBLE – Don’t rush mindlessly back to the office – flexi-working suits everyone, says Matt Rudd

HOW IT FEELS TO…..throw a big fat gay wedding. Alice Hutton on inviting some homophobic guests to her flamboyant nuptials

THE DISH – Rosie Birkett’s fruity summer dishes, Marina O Loughlin on an Italian that means business,

TO INFINITY AND BELOW – Astronaut turned deep-sea diver Kathy Sullivan reveals her highs and lows to Bryan Appleyard

HER DARK WEB – How did Ghislaine Maxwell enter Jeffrey Epstein’s depraved orbit? Vassi Chamberlain who knew her, speaks to her former friends

THE INTERVIEW : PATRICK STEWART – The Star Trek actor talks to Kirsty Lang about turning 80

RACHEL EDWARDS – As a graduate in the 1990s, being black was enough to spark a helicopter-tracked police raid

DRIVING – Jeremy Clarkson is back in the driving seat, swapping his tractor for a lovely Eagle Lightweight GT

JOSH GLANCY – I had no idea that four months of domestic confinement would turn me into a barbecue snob

AND THE FANS PLAYED ON – Peter Dench and Rod Liddle on the football die-hards glued to screens outside empty stadiums

COVER STORY: CHINA WARS – How to counter an authoritarian Beijing, by former US national security adviser HR McMaster

A LIFE IN THE DAY –  Zoe Bryant, a keeper at London Zoo, on randy penguins and I reopening to visitors

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Sunday Times Magazine July 26th 2020

RELATIVE VALUES – Musicians Ziggy and Damian Marley on their dad’s legacy

TOUGH LOVE, FAMILY – Emma Barnett and Lorraine Candy share what they have learnt as columnists over the past four years

MAN TROUBLE – Don’t rush mindlessly back to the office – flexi-working suits everyone, says Matt Rudd

HOW IT FEELS TO…..throw a big fat gay wedding. Alice Hutton on inviting some homophobic guests to her flamboyant nuptials

THE DISH – Rosie Birkett’s fruity summer dishes, Marina O Loughlin on an Italian that means business,

TO INFINITY AND BELOW – Astronaut turned deep-sea diver Kathy Sullivan reveals her highs and lows to Bryan Appleyard

HER DARK WEB – How did Ghislaine Maxwell enter Jeffrey Epstein’s depraved orbit? Vassi Chamberlain who knew her, speaks to her former friends

THE INTERVIEW : PATRICK STEWART – The Star Trek actor talks to Kirsty Lang about turning 80

RACHEL EDWARDS – As a graduate in the 1990s, being black was enough to spark a helicopter-tracked police raid

DRIVING – Jeremy Clarkson is back in the driving seat, swapping his tractor for a lovely Eagle Lightweight GT

JOSH GLANCY – I had no idea that four months of domestic confinement would turn me into a barbecue snob

AND THE FANS PLAYED ON – Peter Dench and Rod Liddle on the football die-hards glued to screens outside empty stadiums

COVER STORY: CHINA WARS – How to counter an authoritarian Beijing, by former US national security adviser HR McMaster

A LIFE IN THE DAY –  Zoe Bryant, a keeper at London Zoo, on randy penguins and I reopening to visitors

60 pages. All our magazines are first day issues. This issue is in very good condition for age.